willyhoops;198565 Wrote: 
> I went to a cool and famous hifi shop once (Thomas Heinitz, Notting
> Hill), and the mad old chap running it (Heinitz himself who has since
> sold out) explained to me how almost all your cash should be spent on
> speakers. he had this £15k valve amp someone had ordered, and he was
> playing with it before they picked it up, and doing demos for select
> customers.. The difference between the 15k amp and a decent normal one
> was questionable... but the difference between various speakers was
> huge. He was a great chap if you were lucky enough to get to know him
> (I met him through my father who was a favorite customer). Although he
> had a bit of equipment in the shop he only really sold two systems, one
> based on small Rogers speakers with a subwoofer and the other on quad
> electrostatics.

Yeah, this is just obviously true, at least if your goal is high
fidelity (meaning accurate reproduction of recorded music).  The
differences between amps or sources operating normally is measurable
but extremely small and usually inaudible, while the differences
between speakers is (relatively) huge and easily audible.  Furthermore
some speakers perform much, much better than others, with good
performance defined as, for example, a close to flat frequency/phase

So you have the potential to get much more for your money when you
invest it in speakers, or perhaps room treatments and equalization/room
correction, than you do from sources or amps/pre-amps.

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