tomjtx;200206 Wrote: 
> In a blind test here Transporter balanced outs were easy to discern from
> it's rca outs.
> From reading op's description the test at my house appears to have been
> as  well 
> constructed and went on for some time.
> I was comparing a modded TP to a stock. 
> Then I compared the modded TP's rca to it's xlr: the xlr was
> identifiable
> Same results with the stock TP. In both cases we felt the xlr sounded
> better.
> Modded TP xlr V stockTP xlr :  could not tell a difference either blind
> or sighted.
> Absolutely "failed" that blind test and wasn't tempted to mod my TP.
> I used a balanced pre amp and levels were matched with rat shack spl.
> All I can say is that at that time , in my system, 2 people were able
> to hear differences. I wouldn't want to assume any more than that.
> I don't think my results would invalidate other's results or vice
> versa.
> Thare are so many variables involved in all kinds of tests it is hard
> to draw definitive conclusions.
> If I can get my friend back over with his spl meter we can do it again
> with the SB3.  (if he brings a good wine :-)

Who modified the TP you tested?

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