"Maybe you'll be able to convince yourself one of those sounds better
than the SB"... You sound as if I am making this up! Time for a quote
from another source...

> Review of Sonos Wireless Music Players in Stereophile
> [ZP80 – Sonos equivalent of Squeezebox. ZP100 includes 50W
> amplifier]
> To put the ZP80's performance into perspective, its analog outputs
> sounded significantly more refined than CDs played on the $150 Pioneer
> DV-578A SACD player that I bought as a reference for budget CD sound.
> In my report last month, I had expressed the opinion that the Slim
> Devices Squeezebox was pretty much equivalent to the Pioneer when it
> came to the quality of its analog outputs. Compared to the Squeezebox,
> the ZP80 had more solidity and image depth, as well as a little less
> treble hash. … While I don't recommend the unmodified Squeezebox
> … other than when used with its digital output feeding an
> external DAC, the ZP80's analog outputs are good enough to be used in
> noncritical applications, such as a bedroom system. 
> I didn't use the ZP100 in my listening-room reference system, so my
> thoughts on its ultimate sound quality are perhaps more of anecdotal
> than definitive usefulness. But the ZP100 provided sterling service in
> my bedroom system, driving the Celestion speakers to high levels
> without strain and with excellent woofer control. The treble balance
> seemed a bit more airy than I was used to with these speakers driven by
> a Linn Classik receiver, and the sound a little drier overall. The ZP100
> did sound very clean, however, and produced a wide range of dynamics
> from movie soundtracks fed to its line inputs. 
> …While I feel the optimal way of integrating the ZP80 into a
> cost-no-object high-end system is to use its digital output to feed an
> outboard D/A processor, the sound of its analog outputs was acceptably
> good overall, taking into consideration the very affordable price. The
> ZP100, too, offers excellent value for money, and is a no-brainer
> purchase for setting up a distributed-audio system in a room that
> doesn't already have a sound system.
> [In Conclusion]… It's just a shame, I guess, that these
> groundbreaking audio products didn't come from an established high-end
> audio company.

(1) SB Sound is £75 Budget CD equivalent (not £150+ Hifi CD sound)
(2) SB is worse than Sonos
(3) Both of them are substandard and it's a shame established audio
companies have not gottern here...

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