BigEars;202871 Wrote: 
> Thought I would try a bit harder to identify the difference (if any
> audible in my system); all I knew previously was that I was keen to
> switch back from bypass to upsampling, but not so keen to go back to
> bypass - upsampling seemed easier on the ear and more natural.
> I chose a couple of songs with a good mix of low-level detail and
> louder passages - Bonnie Rait's 'Thing Called Love' and 'Love Letter'
> from Nick of Time (FLAC), and switched back and forth multiple times
> listening to different aspects each time.
> Very subtle, but definite; on complex sections upsampling mode held the
> picture together better, whereas it could get a tiny bit more confused
> and difficut to pick out subtleties on bypass. Loud vocal was more
> likely to sound very slightly harsh on bypass, less so with upsampling,
> which generally made it easier to hear low-level background detail
> throughout.
> Most surprising was a more solid punch to both snare and bass, with
> more information about the sound of both instruments - I guess this
> comes again from better resolution of small details, especially on loud
> sections.
> All this is in broad agreemenet with most theories about why upsampling
> can sound better - it seems to be less distortion of the baseband due to
> differential non-linearities in the DAC process, as a result of
> signal-dependent ultrasonic dither resulting from the very gentle
> roll-off filter allowing signal up to the Nyquist point of the 192KHz
> signal to enter the DAC. Some would claim that the necessity of
> re-clocking close to the DAC due to 192KHz being asynchronous with the
> input clock also helps by reducing jitter, but I don't have enough
> details about Simon Lee's implementation to know if this a factor
> here.
> Anyway it sounds easier on the ear AND more revealing - so it works for
> me; these are tiny differences that seem to make a noticeable difference
> on enjoyment of the music. Anybody else got experiences on this to
> share?
> Paul

Although I don't have the Stello, my impressions on upsampling sound
are similar to yours.   Almost without exception, upsampling sounds
better -- smoother, more detailed, better soundstaging etc.. As to all
the technical reasons why, your explanations sound reasonsable to me --
but I am unsure.


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