I think I might have prompted this thread by my claim in the V15 SW
thread that I can hear a difference in absolute phase. To be honest,
even though I believe I can hear a difference, I find it difficult to
decide which I prefer using my current speakers. I believe this is
because they are ported and have a small bass/mid unit.

Some years back I had an active Linn system with sealed box loading of
the bass/mid units. After the dealer had installed the system I was
very unhappy with the bass perfomance and my complaints were met with
"you're focussing on the wrong things, just listen to the music".
Eventually, in desparation, I rang the Linn technical dept. and they
told me that my preamp was phase inverting and I should reverse the
speaker leads. Believe me I was very sceptical!!
However the change in sound was very obvious and the correct phase
sounded much tighter and more "correct" (on most discs).

Largely irrelevant but.... I eventually sold the system because Linn
had completely over done the active bass boost and even with the phase
sorted I was never completely happy with the bass performance of the

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