tonyptony;206184 Wrote: 
> Thanks Hugh. So would digital clipping be the major reason why I
> wouldn't want to use some of the more extreme filters? Among the ones I
> picked for testing, there are some that clearly produce a much more
> tightly controlled output across the audio band, perhaps at the expense
> of more correction points which may be altering the signal by 10dB or
> more. Ultimately I will pick what I think sounds best, but in theory
> (assuming no clipping occurs) would the tighter curves be preferred?

What program are you using to generate those nice plots?

I think there can be artifacts introduced by RC algorithms when you
take them too far.  Maybe Hugh can comment on this, but my
understanding is that if you want to really remove all room effects,
you have to do more than just equalization.  Suppose there's a sharp
loud noise coming up later in the track.  That noise will echo several
times off the surfaces in your listening room.  To remove that you have
to modify the signal BEFORE the noise occurs - I suppose roughly
speaking you send out an anti-echo first so that it cancels the real
echo when it gets there.  I'm not sure whether DRC does this, but I
think it might, and overdoing something like can lead to artifacts.

I'd recommend setting the global gain quite a ways down so you can't
damage anything, and then try more and more extreme filters until you
hear something that sounds bad.  That's the way I did it quite a while
back when I set this up.

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