Phil Leigh;213469 Wrote: 
> Sean - isn't it the case that a difference between the two states is
> that the  SB buffer will stay full during power on/off whereas the
> buffer will be flushed and then start to refill during the initial
> moments of playback after a track skip?

That is right, but the point is that these are normal playback controls
that take place all the time. Power on/off does nothing special - it
just uses those same playback mechanisms to stop/pause/resume the audio
and put different pictures on the screen.

> I'm just exploring some avenues - My wife and 16-year old daughter
> claimed to hear a difference (more  bass, more "meaty" sound) last
> night much to my astonishment. I know this isn't very scientific...

I think there is also a lot of misunderstanding with respect to what
it's even possible to do accidentally do a digital signal. I can't for
example, implement the following:

if (powering_on) {

For two reasons. #1) The player simply has no notion of a power on vs
power off state. It is a thin client. It just puts stuff on the screen
and plays what the server tells it to play. and #2) meatiness, assuming
that means perhaps bass response or something, it not something that can
be applied to a digital signal without some very complex and deliberate
processing, the facilities for which do not even EXIST in the firmware.
It is just not possible to subtly modify a digital stream in such a way,
unless you really really try to. The only things you could accidentally
do is change the volume level and add some noise or crackling, and
those too would be immediately evident by looking at the data.

By contrast, in the analog world it is quite easy to make all sorts of
tweaks to the sound, intentionally or not, and it's even plausible that
some powering on behavior like components warming up might affect the
sound. Furthermore, some such changes can in fact be subtle and
difficult to detect by ear. I imagine Omega et al are old school
audiophiles who are carrying all these preconceived expectations with
them into the digital world where it simply doesn't work like that.

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