Videodrome;214293 Wrote: 
> Capacitors leak, tubes fizzle out or go microphonic, styluses wear out
> with enough contact wth vinyl... the list goes on and on.

Yeah but a stranded wire is pretty simple mechanically.  Just long
pieces of metal.  No moving parts, no liquid components that can
evaporate like capacitors.

> Whichever camp you're in, it seems that metalurgically, as DH Labs' and
> Cardinal Fang's findings show, there is some evidence out there that
> supports that oxidation will affect audio cable performance.

But the skin effect is most pronounced at VHF and microwave
frequencies.  MHz or GHz, not kHz unless it's undersized.

> But even if you're a non-believer, ask yourself this question: Would you
> REALLY continue to use a pair of green, 20+ year old speaker cables to
> drive your mega-buck speakers -- resolute in your belief none of that
> gunk would be causing a problem?

It's the connections that are critical.  These rely on contact and any
oxidation here will directly affect the resistance of the connection.

Someone on this board (Phil Leigh?  Pat Farell?) has repeatedly stated
that merely unplugging and re-plugging cables/interconnects makes an
audible difference and so does contact cleaners.  This makes sense.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'
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