Very nice looking device.  One could record the digital output of this
device through a digital input sound card.  Not as easy as ripping a
CD, but at least doable.

Rather expensive.  I'm sure they wan to recoupe the costs of the custom
programmed chip.  But, even more, I think they need the money to hire a
good lawyer.  They're right that there's nothing in the DCMA that
specifically prohibits digital outputs on devices, but Sony has gone to
great ends to license SACD with the condition that digital output will
be an encrypted stream.  Maybe, at the price this interface is being
offered, Sony will figure that the quantities will be to low to care.

It will be interesting to see how it works out.  I wouldn't mind having
one, but it's too expensive given that I have less than 20 SACDs (and no
SACD player; I got them because the mastering was good on the Redbook
layer, also.)

Timothy Stockman
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