In the late 80´s One Hifi magazine here in sweden did a listening test
on Digtal transports (CD players) to a External DAC.

The CD players sounded much difference from each other, 
They fought this difference was because of the transports reading
capabilities, more stable CD mechanism etc.

Then they measured the "Digital stream" from the Cdplayers to see witch
CDplayer was the "best reader"
But during the measure all CD players had identical bitstream, all was
Equal good !

This made the testers really confused, Why did they sound different ?

They couldnt explain why there was a difference.


Note, i am not claming the SB3 to have high jitter or anything regaring
this litte story.

I think there is a more to learn in the future regarding "digital
we maybe not have discovered all the things affecting the Sound.

When the CD was new in the 80´s it was "perfect sound forever"

-Mark Lanctot

This thing about streaming "flac as Wave".

I don´t think Wave "sounds better" than Flac, They are bit identical.

But i think streaming "flac as Wave" sounds better than streaming "FLAC
as FLAC".

My only guess regaring this is:

1.The Slimservers Flac Codec is better "Unpaking" the Flacfiles?   

2.The CPU in the SB3 gets more stressed "Unpaking" flac vs Wave, and
more increased load causing extra EMI & Jitter?

And the "Wireless vs Wire".

I think this has something with RF affect the digital signal on the


I have 2 old fashion isolation transformers for my Stereo.
One isolation transformer for the Amp and one isolation transformer for
the other (DAC, SB3, ETC)


I have tried the "replugging mains 180°" to the SB3, but i can´t hear
any difference.
But i think the "replugging mains 180°" only works with analog
All my equipment have "the right phase" according to my taste.

I have had my new Ultramatch Pro SRC2496 connected a few days, And
"is´s a keeper" !! :-)

Now the sound is even better ! Wow ! :-)

The SRC2496 is connected like this:
SB3 Optical out Sp/dif 16/44 -> SRC2496 "use internal clock not SP/dif"
& AES/EBU 44/16 -> DAC (Musical fidelity X-Dac v3)

I have tried difference settings on the SRC2496 like upsampling,
20-Bit, 24-Bit, use SP/dif clock etc.
But I think leaving the signal "untouched" 16/44 and "Only" reclock
(use internal clock) and send AES/EBU instead of Sp/dif. sounds best.

And the "Pause, power on/Off, Pause" still works... 

Best regards!

/Mats :-)

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