opaqueice;219539 Wrote: 
>  And there's also the ADC clock - maybe that drifts for some reason?

The ADC clock will drift relative to the playout clock, even assuming
the playout is jitterless. Replay clock is presumably determined by the
SB1 or the server PC. However, I have used three independent ADC clocks
made by widely differing manufacturers - Sound Devices, Toshiba (for
the laptop) and Sony for the HiMD. They can't *all* be bad. It is, of
course, possible that the SB1 DAC clock is a ropey PLL and it drifts
and audiodiffmaker is correctly showing that temporal variation, in a
similar vein to Omega's claims - it would be
interesting to hit his SB3 with this program, I begin to wonder if the
result may not actually be what you might expect...

I recorded a 30s chunk, played out at 44k1. That means 1.3 million
samples. 'This' (http://www.springerlink.com/content/q257543588327v45/)
indicates the short-term stability of crystals is about 1 part in 10^9
but I don't know if that holds for stock parts. If it did I'd not
expect to drift more than 1/1000 of a sampling period though I've had
enough radio xtals that your could hear in a FM receiver if you ping
the xtal with a screwdriver so they are vibration (music perhaps :)
sensitive to some extent.

It is true that th SB1 is the common element here and maybe I got a
Friday afternoon box. I'll repeat on some other piece of digital audio
gear to eliminate that last common variable.

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