tomjtx;224617 Wrote: 
> It is probably safe to say the modwright TP will sound different because
> it uses tubes.
> whether or not it sounds better is a matter of preference . If you
> prefer tubes you might think it is better , if you prefer SS you might
> not like the mods.
> As one poster pointed out, why not try a tube premp. One could also try
> a tube buffer like the Musical Fidelity for much less money.
> I am not knocking modwright, they have an excellent rep and design
> their own, well regarded tube gear.
> Harmonic, you should learn Spanish before you go off half cocked and
> embarass yourself again.
> Ilusion means "hope" as well as illusion.
> The saying  could describe the audiophile condition. As soon as we hear
> one improvement we want to hear another and we "hope" to achieve that
> one way or the other.
> The ilusion side would be our ability to fool ourselves into thinking a
> difference exists when ,in fact, it might not.
> I can overlook your mispelling because english is not your 1st language
> and it is easy to mispell in english even when it is your first language
> :-)
> I find it harder to overlook your inability to form a coherent thought
> and your subsequent lapse into name calling.

Its really very simple  can or can you not improve the preformans of a
hifi component ?.

You seem to take great pride in ripping apart what im saying .

In demark the phenomenon  has a name its called Anti democrazy  , i
have studid democracy .

Its very bad for progress you see .

But the thread is about moddifing the transporter, not about how the
mind can play tricks on you .
Eny  audiophil worth his salt knows this very well, and know have it
works, why keep talking about it.

Why dont you demo a  reference audio mods transporter vs you stock one
also ?

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