Another questionable part of this review, at least to me, is his
assertion that upgrading the external power supply completely
transforms the sound of the Squeezebox. 

With the stock power supply, this reviewer finds the sound of the
Squeezebox's analog outputs to be harsh and basically unacceptable. But
with the Bolder modified Elpac, he says,

"The difference in sound quality in this listening
session was quite striking. Now the Squeezebox
goes through a metamorphosis, and turns into
a high quality digital component."

Really? I believe that after-market power cords and external power
supplies can make a difference in a good system, but my experience is
that that difference is usually on the margin, improving what was
already good, but not transforming the previously unacceptable.

But what do I know? Before I got my DAC, I enjoyed the analog outs on
the Squeezebox!


My two-channel system:
- SB-3 through a CIAudio VDA-2 DAC (and using Nokia  N800 as a remote)
- Sony SCD-1 CD/SACD player
- WyeTech Labs Jade tubed preamp
- Chord SPM 1200C power amp
- Basis 2001 turntable w/ Graham Arm & Lyra Helikon cartridge
- Klyne phono stage
- Proac 2.5 speakers
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