
you really are out of line.

The posters you are so uncivilly responding to are experienced
listeners who have high quality systems.

Pat, I believe, is professionally involved in the recording industry
and is very knowledgeable about sound reproduction (far more, it would
appear) than you.

And please spare us your protestaions of being a jazz musician. You are
likely playing and hearing amplified instruments with electronics of far
less quality than the members of this forum.

i am a professional classical guitarist (whoop de do)  :-)and am
surrounded by unamplified live music that MUST make
me better than you.......I mean , of course classical musicians are
surperior to poorly trained jazz mongrels such as yourself. 

Ok, do you get the point?  You don't need to throw around credentials
here, it won't get you anywhere. There are many highly intelligent and
knowledgeable people on this forum and if you could develope a bit of
humility you could learn a lot here.........I did.

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