Phil Leigh;227354 Wrote: 
> Ignoring the whole DBT debate for a second, I've found that both
> upsampling and downsampling make no real difference to me (and I can
> test them easily in my system using my remote). However, when faced
> with a 16/44.1 and 24/88.2 copy of (allegedly) the same master - e.g.
> the Linn masters I have downloaded - I have an overwhelming preference
> for the high resolution versions. This doesn't change when I downsample
> the high-res version.
> IF the studio is simply downsampling the 2-track master at their end
> this makes no sense to me. IF they are remastering from multitrack to
> 16-bit, then maybe I could see why.

Here's a further quote from that article:

> Virtually all of the SACD and DVD-A recordings sounded better than most
> CDs — sometimes much better... Partly because these recordings have not
> captured a large portion of the consumer market for music, engineers
> and producers are being given the freedom to produce recordings that
> sound as good as they can make them, without having to compress or
> equalize the signal to suit lesser systems and casual listening
> conditions... Our test results indicate that all of these recordings
> could be released on conventional CDs with no audible difference. They
> would not, however, find such a reliable conduit to the homes of those
> with the systems and listening habits to appreciate them. The secret,
> for two-channel recordings at least, seems to lie not in the high-bit
> recording but in the high-bit market.

So in other words it's got nothing to do with the increased resolution,
but simply that they're aiming higher in the mastering.

However that doesn't explain your preference if in fact both are from
the same master.

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