I'll admit it, I'm new around here, but have spent several days reading
through hundreds if not thousands of posts here and on other boards,
and come to the conclusion that many, if not most (!) audiophiles are
looking for exactly the same product as I am: an easy-to-use streaming
client to feed data into their high-end D/A-converter, in other words,
an already existing stereo in which it would replace the CD-transport.

I appear not to be alone in looking for something like the Squeezebox,
with all the necessary digital outputs (AES/EBU still seems the choice
of audiophiles), a word clock input (to complete the wish list, 24/96
or higher resolution capability appears on many people's wish list -
but I understand the latter could not be implemented in the current
Squeezbox), with *NO* unnecessary expenses for DAC, output stages,
extra power supply and regulators (nor even, necessarily, a costly
aluminum chassis - most users seem wholly satisfied with their

At this point in time, all there seems to be is the Transporter, at
(depending on the source) rougly seven times the cost. Looks like a
neat product to me, just not what any audiophile not born yesterday
needs (i.e. it aims at people who are in the market to buy their first
high-end stereo).

Maybe the product I'm alluding to, a streaming client to replace one's
high-end CD-Transport and *nothing else, at no unnecessary extra cost,*
can be had from some Squeezebox modder and I just haven't found it yet?

The sheer existence of modders, of course, proves my point in the first
place, that there are others looking for a streaming client to replace
their high-end CD-transport. Makes me wonder, is Slim Devices/Logitech
going to offer an audiophile Squeezebox anytime soon? I mean, since
it's so obvious from these (and other forums') pages that if fairly
priced it would sell like hotcakes?

Greetings from Switzerland, David.

acousticsguru's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13298
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