inguz wrote:
> The suggestion that a player for multichannel formats might be illegal,
> though, is just silly.  There are some formats that would need a
> licensed decoder - but they don't encompass the whole world of
> desirable functionality.  And I'd hate to see Slim hardware forever
> tied to two-channel... since that would mean I'll move elsewhere.

Read the DMCA, you will be amazed. Discussing how to circumvent the DRM
is illegal per the DMCA. Its dumb, but I didn't write it or vote for it.

But ignoring the idiotic DMCA, there is zero mass market for even
quality stereo music. And that is all that the major labels care about.

So you have a chicken and egg. There are no mass millions demanding it,
the labels won't provide it, so sensible companies won't make gear to
make it easy and suitable for mass market.

If they had used any brains, and done something simple like defining a
standard mixing/mastering approach that used two big front speakers, a
sub, and some small rears with good WAF, it might have had a chance.

My wife had a cow with two Sonus Faber Concertos, which are great
looking and small.

Pat Farrell

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