If you already believe bits are bits, as I do (some will argue) then you
have already answered your own question.  None of those options will
help except in a placebo manner.

Some will argue but my view is..

I doubt your power supply is causing an issue because you are, as you
say, transferring bits, not analogue signal.  It would have to be
creating sever electrical fluctuations that actually cause processing
or throughput failure before it will change the bit pattern.

Jitter should not be a discernible problem with your optics cable
unless it also is at the point of being 'broken', ie unable to send
reliable signal, or it is soo long or bent sooo badly that it creates
signal issues.  Neither is likely in a home audio setup.
There is a reason why fiber is used in my business, telecom, where
anything over a 50 nanosecond signal disruption is actually considered
an "outage".  Coax for home audio is eaqually as good.

I am not familiar with jitter rebuilders or whatever it was called for
audio but unless it operates on both sides of the optics cable to
repackage the data and creates a protocol in the  packets that contain
error correction of some kind, it's snake oil.  Even then, how much
error correction can it do before you consider the sound jittery, due
to correction delays??

I'm sure you will hear alternate theories and that's fair.  My advice
falls into the best I saw in this post.  Before you decide it needs
work, have a friend create a blind, random test for you to see if the
difference is truly there and if its really worth the money to correct.
(of course, audiophiles will tell you it has to be a true double blind
test but since this isn't life or death, having your buddy switch
cables and seeing if you can identify the differences will at least
help you make up your mind.

Let us know how it turns out...

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