> To understand the scientific basis for the new range of 'x' co-ordinate
> products, it is first necessary to understand the significance of the
> 'double slit' experiment.
> A paradox has existed within science that has baffled the minds of the
> greatest physicists of the twentieth century. The paradoxical problem
> arises because scientific experiments demonstrate that the basic
> elementary particles of nature can be shown to behave as either
> individual, self contained particles of energy or, with a slight change
> of the circumstances, the individual particles join forces and interact
> as interdependent wavelike movements. The crucial circumstances that
> completely change these basic energy particles is when a human observer
> watches the experiment take place. If the particles are observed, they
> become independent units of energy. If there is no human observing the
> experiment, the basic particles appear to communicate with each other
> and act as a wave.
> For anyone not familiar with this crucial 'double slit' experiment, we
> would emphasise that this scientific paradox has defeated continuous
> scientific investigations to resolve it and that without a resolution
> to the problem, the advancement of science is severely handicapped.
> Our research into the perception of sound can now readily demonstrate
> the role of the human 'observer' in significantly manipulating the
> environment. An important feature of the 'double slit' experiment is
> that the effect of the human observer can be replicated by allowing
> certain types of electronic detectors to take the place of the actual
> human.
> We know from our experiments that within the space-time co-ordinates of
> x, y, z and t, the 'x' co-ordinate, given the correct circumstances, is
> formed when the senses of a human observer interact with an object.
> Unfortunately, most modern objects of new type materials will not allow
> the human senses of the 'observer' to effectively interact to form the
> vital 'x' of space-time co-ordinates.
> P.W.B. devices have been induced with the ability to modify an object
> to which they are attached so that the human senses can interact and
> form the vital 'x' co-ordinate. It is necessary to appreciate that the
> human senses evolved from early life forms when the dominant
> environment was extremely simple in comparison with the modern
> environment.
> An adequate explanation of how nature creates the evolutionary pattern
> is complex but it is essential to realise that all the written
> languages of the world have a significance way beyond the simple
> communication role we are familiar with. It is also necessary to come
> to an understanding with the fact that, given the circumstances,
> inanimate objects can have identifiable subliminal stored messages
> induced into them.
> The P.W.B. Red 'x' Co-ordinate Pen has been induced with complex
> messages and when a human writes a message with the Pen, the conditions
> on the object change in a similar way to the events in the 'double slit'
> experiment, in which the essential ingredient is the pure energy form of
> the photons and electrons which readily interact with the human
> observer. The P.W.B. Red 'x' Co-ordinate Pen possesses the special
> ingredient of manipulating modern material to form the basic pure
> energy pattern that readily interacts with the human 'observer'.

This is such outrageous tosh that it doesn't deserve my time to
experiment, sorry.  I consider myself as sceptical of science as much
as I am of pseudo, but this takes the biscuit.

However, I imagine that it works.  If you are sufficiently credulous to
try this, you will probably be highly susceptible to the placebo effect,
and you will hear an improvement.  Who's silly now, then? :D



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