To Zanash and Slimadam:

My reply about the Yellow Paper and Red Pen was a joke or more to the
point to make a point. The original poster is probably hearing what he
wants to hear. The system sounds different to him for whatever reason
and he "believes" it is the Transporter so it must be bad or
downgraded. The yellow paper guy is a snake oil salesman and feeds on
the needs or fears of the audiophile that is on the quest for audio
nirvana. An opposing view website has used science to debunk all of his
claims even though his wife wastes server hard drive space defending him
from all nay Sayers but never offers any proof, science, or logic to
back the crazy claims he makes. He is just after the left over dollars
that will gladly be given up by those chasing a dream. Who can blame
him when people are willing to spend $20000 on an eight-foot pair of
speaker cables?

To everybody: 

I was serious about him sending me his Transporter. I will gladly keep
it until I determine it sounds better or will meet his expectations
(serious and joking at the same time). Remember, the mind is a very
powerful thing. It is rarely over powered by the senses unless one
wants it to be. Let your hearing do the listening and your mind do the
enjoying. When questioning either, apply science and logic, and things
will usually become clear. Having said that, the mind can be fooled by
the senses if one allows it to be or if it is influenced by outsides
with supposed greater wisdom!

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