Skunk;242357 Wrote: 
> You can use the 'Tape Out' RCA connectors on the NAD to feed the sub a
> line level signal instead of speaker level, so long as the sub has left
> and right RCA inputs (not just a single LFE input which is meant to be
> feed by home theater receivers).

The "Tape Out" will be fixed in level meaning the sub volume will not
change as you raise/lower the volume.  Not exactly the best idea unless
you have a slave you can hire to adjust the sub volume as you adjust the
amp volume.  If one wants to use a line level connection to their
subwoofer, a "Pre Out" (or "Sub Out" if available) is the output you
really want to use.

Having said that, I don't think it makes sense to use the Pre Out on
the C320BEE.  The  Pre Out on that unit is connected to the power amp
section via a jumper.  It's meant to be used with an external processor
like an EQ or what have you.  So, you can't just disconnect it and
connect a sub.

My recommendation is to find a sub with speaker level inputs.

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