RGibran;243509 Wrote: 
> Adamslim.
> My apologies if I sounded like I was grilling you.  Actually you
> answered my question quite simply and apparently accurately.
> I downloaded the Linn 24/88 test file and also purchased  a 24/88 song
> and both play without a hitch.  Transporter shows the correct file
> properties as well.
> I guess I'm just going to have to ask John Atkinson what the heck he
> means when he continually states Transporter will not "handle" files
> recorded at 88.2 kHz.  
> Thanks,
> RG

No offence taken :)

I think the key point is that mainstream hifi reviewers are going to
get out of their depth with the 'new' technology.  Out of the box his
review Transporter may not have handled 24/88, but there is a highly
transparent system of firmware updates and a good team making things
better.  It's a very different paradigm from mainstream hifi, which has
often instant obsolescence (DAB vs DAB+ anyone?)


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