Generally, I oppose to coloring the system with components... If there
is a flaw that colors the sound this should be fixed where the problem
is rather than trying to compensate by using a component that colors
the other way around.

This is very difficult land indeed. I guess if there is a bright room
you should see what you can do with the room within reasonable limits.
If there's a bright room, then I guess the Thiel's won't work... That
doesn't mean the Thiels are bad speakers, they just need a room that's
not bright. Because the speakers are sooooo revealing....
b.t.w. Theils are fantastic speakers.

If you sort out the room so that it's not that bright by adding some
diffusers and absorbers, then suddenly the Thiels may be a completely
different animal.

There are no simple answers. I have been a number of times at the Oslo
Hi-Fi center in Oslo, Norway, claimed to have  among the 5 best demo
rigs in Europe.
They have spent 25 years optimizing one single room, and you can't even
see any acoustical treatments anywhere...

Where am I getting... I really don't know, just that my advice is that
you have to start where the issues are, and if that's the room, then
the DAC or cables or amp or DSP cannot sort that out. You cannot fix a
bad sounding room with DSP. But the musical pleasure may be way way
improved when you fix the issue where the fix belongs....


-Harald N


Suse Linux -> SB3 -> Benchmark DAC1 -> Krell KAV400xi -> Meadowlark
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