ChiefVoodooMan;269936 Wrote: 
> Oh my dear friends where is the science (let alone the romance of the
> music) in any of this. I would be willing to bet the farm that given a
> chance to a/b/c test the SB3 with No DAC = "A", SB3 with DACx = "B",
> SB3 with DACy = "C" that no  person in a test group of normal human
> subjects ( not Hallucinating Crypto-Schizophrenic self proclaimed
> golden ear audiophiles) would ever to be able make a statistically
> significant choice between the 3 options.

Speak for yourself.  There are differences.  If they are insignificant
to you, that's fine.

ChiefVoodooMan;269936 Wrote: 
> The industry is putting you on a path to endless dissatisfaction,  a
> never ending wheel of upgrade hell, and financial ruin. The
> computerization / digitalization of  music is something we must learn
> to live with and accept. But do not let the perfectly affordable and to
> a large extent stunningly satisfying SB3  be your gateway drug into the
> world of hardcore audio addiction. Sit back relax enjoy the wonder of
> the music and stop counting bits. Lets be honest with ourselves and
> admit there  will never be a substitute for a live musical performance.
> So try to get out once and awhile and enjoy a real musical experience,
> in a real place with real ambiance, with a real sound  stage,  with
> real living breathing people sharing that same wondrous experience.
> Then go home and enjoy the always to be imperfect reproduction of your
> music replay system - but please listen to the music not the gear.
> If you have some neurotic need to spend thousands of dollars trying to
> recreate the unattainable then perhaps you should reevaluate your life
> - think about the good that could be accomplished with that money -
> give to your favourite charity or community organization - open your
> ears, eyes,  and more importantly open your hearts!!!.

While I certainly agree that the music comes first and enjoying "live"
music is great and I think important, what is wrong with someone
wanting to enjoy music on an exceptional system in the privacy of their
own homes whenever they feel like it?

As to your suggestion that some should "reevaluate" their lives and
instead give to charity, how do you know that they don't "already" give
to charity?

No offence, but I suggest you worry about your own priorities and
finances and let others worry about theirs.  You have no idea what
people earn and where that money goes.  You are making broad, sweeping
statements without any facts to back them up.

Why don't you send us an itemized list of where all of your earnings go
so we can pick apart all of your expenditures and tell you where we
think you are wasting money?  Then you can take that money and donate
it to charity.  Sound fair?

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