ChiefVoodooMan;270096 Wrote: 
> Oh my dear friends where is the science (let alone the romance of the
> music) in any of this. I would be willing to bet the farm that given a
> chance to a/b/c test the SB3 with No DAC = "A", SB3 with DACx = "B",
> SB3 with DACy = "C" that no  person in a test group of normal human
> subjects ( not Hallucinating Crypto-Schizophrenic self proclaimed
> golden ear audiophiles) would ever to be able make a statistically
> significant choice between the 3 options.
> The industry is putting you on a path to endless dissatisfaction,  a
> never ending wheel of upgrade hell, and financial ruin. The
> computerization / digitalization of  music is something we must learn
> to live with and accept. But do not let the perfectly affordable and to
> a large extent stunningly satisfying SB3  be your gateway drug into the
> world of hardcore audio addiction. Sit back relax enjoy the wonder of
> the music and stop counting bits. Lets be honest with ourselves and
> admit there  will never be a substitute for a live musical performance.
> So try to get out once and awhile and enjoy a real musical experience,
> in a real place with real ambiance, with a real sound  stage,  with
> real living breathing people sharing that same wondrous experience.
> Then go home and enjoy the always to be imperfect reproduction of your
> music replay system - but please listen to the music not the gear.
> If you have some neurotic need to spend thousands of dollars trying to
> recreate the unattainable then perhaps you should reevaluate your life
> - think about the good that could be accomplished with that money -
> give to your favourite charity or community organization - open your
> ears, eyes,  and more importantly open your hearts!!!

The only reason why i fell in love with  this crazed  hoppy of building
a perfect hifi system and useing  countless of houres and money in the
persuit,  is because there really is no limit   for have good somthing
it can sound.

I truly beleive that you can better the real thing.
Unless ofcause you listen purly to live recordings .
Yes thats right  the system i have right now  sounds better then have
the same artist sound live.

I love live music but my system sounds better , i was reasonly at a 
Cure concert   and yes it was a great  experince  but i get even more
goosspots  when i hear Just Like Heaven  on my owen system and thast
what its all about  ( for me at least)
only a live violin concert sounds better.

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