Now, now, let's all play nice!  

Rydenfan, I appreciate the offer, and might take you up on it someday!

Tomjtx, I actually go back and forth feeding my SB2 to my Modwright
Tube pre vs. my SS Denon 3808CI.  I can't say that one is better than
the other, but they certainly sound "different". 

That's the beauty of this hobby, sometimes we can have our cake and eat
it too!


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu) > benchmark dac-1 > modwright
swl 9.0se > belles 350a reference > ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).
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