PLynas;273802 Wrote: 
> Ok thanks for the responses, but now I am a little confused!
> The NHT Classic 3's certainly look very nice indeed, which is an added
> bonus. But then even though the Quads are slightly over budget there is
> the potential there to sell my amp and hi-fi rack.
> I don't mind which option I go for, I am just looking for the best
> value for my money. Does anyone else have an opinion?

No confusion here, I primarily suggested to go for the NHT's, they are
better speakers and comply perfectly to your sound needs. 

The Quads are very similar to your Wharfadale's, so im not so sure if
you are going to get more clarity and separation than what you have
now. And if you go for the Quads you are also going to sacrifice bass.
I only mentioned the Quad's because they are the least expensive active
speaker that I would consider against your current setup. If you really
want to start talking about a serious upgrade with active speakers,
look at some used Martin Logan Purity's, if you find them....

good luck,


Reference3A RoyalMaster monitors biwired with van den Hul Inspiration,
REL Strata5. AMPS: Pathos Classic One MKIII's in mono config. ANALOGUE:
Clearaudio Ambient CMB, Satisfy Carbon & Lyra Helikon SL, ASR MiniBasis
SQ preamp, link: WireWorld SilverEclipse 5.2. DIGITAL: SlimDevices
Transporter, link: AcousticZen Silver Reference2 XLR’s. POWER: Isotek
MiniSub GII, Isotek Elite cables (MiniSub, Rel), Siltech SPX30 MKII
(Transporter), van den Hul Mainstream (Pathos) & van den Hul Mainserver
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