Rodney, that is an interesting point.

Since I "saw the light" about the placebo effect and blind listening
I've really enjoyed what I've got a lot more. If the mind can play
tricks, then having correct information about real audible differences
can play 'fact-based tricks' too.

The knowledge that a decent IC is 99.9% there in terms of fidelity, and
therefore a million dollar IC can only improve on it 0.1%, can help you
relax and enjoy the 99.9% and stop imagining you're hearing a "veil"
for example.

So understanding the placebo effect can boost enjoyment as much as
being ignorant about it can, if not more. BTW I'm still an "audiophile
tweakist"'s just that my tweaks involve speaker placement, room,
physical vibration, bass EQ etc. where I've got a LOT of improvement
compared to twiddling with sources, interconnects and all that
religious stuff. Hey I'm enjoying my music more than ever, and that SB3
analogue output I used to criticise on this very forum? It's sounding
better than it did before all the improvements in the last year. More
detail, better soundstage, more natural, better bass. Funny that, it
must have been capable enough all along!

I realise this is heresy. :)


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system
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