The transporter is ideal for the ATC's cos it has the balanced outputs
and a better DAC than the SB. It is a huge amount more expensive tho ,
but for what it can do it's worth it.

The only caveat I can think of is that the ATC's are particularily
revealing speakers and the transporter and it's inbuilt dac DAC are
also no holds barred accurate ..... so the pairing,  if you aint using
a Pre that is "musical" , will show off bad recordings etc warts and
If you buy the SB , then you need an offboard dac and a pre cos it only
has RCA analog and digital out,  You would then use the SB in digital
only mode. That will become as expensive as the Transporter.

ATC themselves have some upgrades available , I spoke to em about 3-4
months ago about my SCM 50's which are old models, they reckon my mids
can be upgraded , tho yours might be the upgraded models , but they
also said they have a new tweeter in the works which will apply to all
models , I still have the old tweeter and am thinking of upgrading to
either the new model or the SEAS millennium they used on the newer

I find the ATC to perform best at really high levels and despite being
biggish speakers , their sound is very "small" in terms of the all
enveloping sound of my meridians.
One of the reasons I bought the transporter is that it now has a
"foldback" facilitiy , ie it can use its own digital out into its dac
and thus I can connect my TACT room correction unit in the mix and
correct the speakers. 
The SB andf the Transporter can use an EQ plugin that is pretty much
user configurable , so you can tune to taste , however I find the EQ
plugin a pain , cos it doesnt change stuff instantly and it applys so
me sort of attenuation if you use it. I have a Z-sys RDP-1 parametric
digital eq that I use with my meridian speakers (the main set)
As to what sounds better  well the sound of the ATC's compared to
meridians is so totally different its impossible to say , the ATC's
shine on well recorded music and the bass is far tighter than the
meridians , I find the ATC's "forward" in the mids but very nice in the
treble , the meridians bass in my setup is much deeper but a little
looser , the midrange is just wonderful , but treble is a little
recessed. The meridians give a "big" type sound compared to ATC's, the
ATCs are more focussed. Very nice for vocals etc , but orchestral is
too narrow.
However it's really difficult for me to state anything categorically in
terms of how the speakers sound , they are all in very different places
and give me good sound for where they are.
I can state this categorically tho , the transporter is a no brainer
buy for you. It will replace any front end you have with a sort of
"straight wire with gain" type. On my headphone system , im slightly
less enthusaistic about the Transporter , I was using a Jolida valve
CDP into a Valve based headphone amp , the Musical fidelity X-cans V3
with Siemens CCa's and I also used a SET hp amp. Phones are Senheissers
hd600's and 650's. I find the transporter less musical than the Jolida ,
the transporter does everything right and as a front end has more detail
etc in that setup , but the jolida's sound was more involving , but
thats my personal preference.
Tho only gripe I REALLY have is the schlep of ripping a 2000+ cd
collection to disc. Im up to 270 now!!!!!!

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