tomjtx;276282 Wrote: 
> that is an interesting link. Steve Eddy is an excellent debater and his
> posts on AC and other forums are always interesting.
> He is an objectivist cable skeptic that manufactures cables, what's not
> to love?

I totally agree - I think he has exactly the right attitude, and I have
no problem with him or his products.  I've even considered buying some
of his cables, but in the end decided if I'm going to spend $400 on
something because it's beautiful, I'd rather it be something that's not
hidden behind a stack of stereo gear in a closet.

Rodney_Gold;276292 Wrote: 
> Does it really make a difference what pov you hold , those that believe
> have fun in their beliefs and they percieve value in their fancy cable
> choices (I too use kimber D60 and orchid AES/EBU and am quite happy
> with the price I paid and the thought that I'm using the best so not
> missing anything)

Great - if you're happy, you're happy.  It's your money and your hifi.

> At the end of it all , no one camp is gonna change their outlook , you
> might sway one or 2 folk but trying to change a non believer to a
> believer is like trying to convert a staunch roman catholic to
> hinduism.

Agreed.  What bugs me is when people tell other people that they -need-
an expensive cable to get the most out of their system, or that it will
make a difference in sound quality (not just that they believe it does
for them, but that it will for someone else), or when they offer some
nonsensical pseudo-physics explanation for something which is actually
in their head, or when they try to discount results like this
coathanger comparison.  And I think that actually matters, because not
everyone is a religious fanatic already - some people are unconverted

> I drag race cars too , I spent a lot of money on my engines in terms of
> polishing parts , braided hoses etc , none of which give me more
> performance. Same with car interior/exterior , tyres and rims etc , but
> I dont feel gypped at all. Its my male jewellery , just like my hifi ,
> pride of ownership , bragging rights etc are all important in terms of
> the satisfaction I get.

Exactly!  It's all about status, beauty, money, elegance, convenience -
not performance.

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