Thanks Frank for describing your equipment with the ModWright
Transporter.  In my short experience with audiophile equipment the
associated equipment, the room and the wires all matter.  I'm glad your
ears love it.  The audiophile who sold me my Transporter (thanks Karl)
highly recommended Dan's work, especially if it becomes the center of
my system.

HalleysComet;267932 Wrote: 
> My music room has electrostats (some early Roger Sanders Eros), with
> his Innersound amplifiers.  Probably not too different than your ML's,
> I would guess.  I use a passive transformer-based preamp there.  This
> system is brutally revealing, but whole-cloth honest.  Mostly I listen
> to vinyl in this system.  I have a nice Teres-based record deck, which
> is my primary source, via a K&K phono preamp.  
> In my living room I have Magneplanar 1.6qr speakers which are actively
> bi-amped via a pair of heavily modified Harmon Kardon Citation
> amplifiers, basically 130 watts per channel (one amp channel per
> speaker driver).  The Maggies are inherently sweeter sounding than the
> Eros, but lower resolution than the electrostats, although MUCH more
> capable of detail retreival than they were stock.  
> This is the system for which I purchased the Transporter, but I like it
> so well, I think it will end up living in my music room, where I do my
> serious listening.  For the living room, it's shared space.  I'll
> probably spring for a Duet, and run it through my (ModWright-modified!)
> DAC.

I've done a lot of A/B listening through the un-modded Transporter. 
I've tried feeding the DAC with a Rotel and a Pioneer Elite CD player. 
Switched the interconnects and powercords to the Transporter, and from
it.  (Yes, DarrenYeats, this thread could be all be about wires!)  And
I've compared the Transporter's DAC to the DAC's in each CDP mentioned
above and a Polyfusion Audio DAC.  I've even fed the Transporter into a
Mapleshade Magic amp (hybrid tubes/ss stages) and noted the introduction
of the tubes into the signal path!  All great.  It depends on what your
ears like.

Frank, your writing describes beautifully the audiophile goal: 
faking-out your brain so you believe you're at the live concert. 



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Fanless Zalman TNN 300 PC->Transporter->Kimber silver->Rotel
Rx-1052->Mapleshade wires->Gallo Reference 2
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