pski wrote:
>> Too many choices...I'm bewildered at the moment...
> I duck after recommending "BAND" equipment. Not only do the traditional
> makers (like Crown, etc.) have huge, responsive power supplies, they
> have headroom, rise-time, and output that shames most "home" amps.
> Additionally, they've been using XLR and signal-through features for
> years...

I've always wondered why the "audiophile" folks don't pay any attention 
to the pro-audio world. Like pski says, Crown and others make bullet 
proof gear with XLR, head room and the ability to handle some dumb 
roadie shorting the outputs for a second.

Most boutique audiophile gear would just go up in smoke.

But, there is band gear and then there is band gear. A lot of the stuff 
sold at Guitar Center and Musicians Friend at really unbelievable prices 
is not aimed at pros, its aimed at wanna-bees with no money.

One warning, a lot of gear aimed at touring pros is the audio equivalent 
to the Viking restaurant stoves that yuppies put in their houses...
not really designed for residential use. They tend to be big, heavy, 
draw a lot of power, give off heat, etc.

No more so than the audiophile big tube or monster mono-blocks, but they 
are not going to be happy stuck in a closed cabinet.

Pat Farrell

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