GuyDebord;284074 Wrote: 
>  Without mentioning costs like marketing, representation, distribution,
> etc. Suddenly the 15 dollars of components are worth so much more,
> arent they?

The rule of thumb often used by most analysts  is that for the average
high-tech company MSRP is generally 3X product cost. (My wife used to
work in Investor Relations, so I cribbed this from her).

This means a $99.99 product from a high-tech company is assumed to cost
about $33 to build.  By this rule, a cable with $15 product cost should
retail for something closer to $45.

Since I work for a publicly traded company in the high-tech sector, I
can't comment on the validity of the 3x number.  She was pretty adamant
that the analysts used it across the board in estimating product costs
and that they felt it was pretty accurate, at least for typical
high-tech companies.

FYI, in the world of products, gross margin % is calculated as:

Gross_Margin$ / Total_Sales

So for $15 cost and $300 sell price, the gm% is (300-15) / 300 or 95%
gross margin.

-=> Jim


"well, she wasn't all of that, but she sure was some of that."  --
BKlaas' college buddy
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