If there's a HUGE difference , something is broken , cos I not only
compared SB and TP but a transport too (theta Jade) , any differences
were marginal, if existant ......
However the analog output of SB/TP and CDP's all differed quite a lot.
The Sb/TP sounded more similar to each other  than my CDP which is a
Jolida and uses valves. I don't like the TP's analog much, perhaps to
accurate for my taste.


Sb3/Z-sys RDP1/meridian DSP5500's
TP/X-cans v3/Senns 650's
TP/TACT 2.0/SCM 50a's
TP/Meridian DSP5000's
"The nicest thing about smacking your head against the wall is...the
feeling you get when you stop"
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