harmonic;290234 Wrote: 
> To be fair the ikemi  is a discountinued product (since 2002 i beleive 
> )   a more fair comparioson would be  one of the  unidisk  players.
> The preamp with the  dac you used is  from 1997  no wonder the 2008
> duet`s analog out sounds better.
> Why the duet sounds so good?  i think its more  because of the bit
> perfect transport mecanisem then the dac,  il never go back to disk
> spinners  somhave the sound from a hardisk based player always  sounds
> more right.
> I have  the linn  unidisk sc wich  ar  a  disk spinner/preamp/dac   and
> i can compare sb3 analog out vs  sb3 diigital out into SC and Sc playing
> disks, no doubt the unidisk sc sounds better then asb3 analog outs ,
> sound is more  musical more solid dynamic   and great  bass depth.
> Haveever   using the sb3´s digital outs into unidisk  sounds better
> then the unidisk´S owen  transporter .

Very interesting ! This was my först contact with a streaming
mediaplayer. If what you say is true, there is no need to spend much
cash on an expensive transport. Maybe this is something that also Linn
has discovered, because they seem to focus on computerbased
musicplayers in their new lineup.
What is very interesting, is that we encountered that the Squeezebox
receiver sounded better than the internal dacs that are used in the
Linn 5103.
Maybe this is an indikation on that Squeezebox duet sound better than
the SB 3, if you use the analog outputs. I have not heard the SB 3, but
it uses a different dac, and a different buffert. In the Squeezebox
receiver, a Wolfson dac is used with an internal buffert/linedriver.
Maybe this is the thing that does the trick ? For all I know, the
digital stages before the dac is the same in receiver and SB 3. What
are your comment on that, and what is the constructer of Squeezebox
duet saying about it ?

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