
I've got an SB2 which I've used with the same amp for about 3 years.
The amp is a LFD Integrated Zero about 10 years old.

I recently moved the amp and SB2 to other side of room and since then,
the speakers make a loud occasional 'pop' (every 30min - few hours).

It only happens now and again. I disconnected the SB2 for a few days
and didn't notice any pops. But I find that hard to believe that the
SB2 is the cause, it has performed flawlessly for ages. But the amp
definitely pops more when the SB2 is plugged in and switched on (though
not necessarily playing).

Any ideas? Here's some points which might be useful:
* I upgraded SS from 6.x to 7.0 at the same time. I doubt this is the
cause. It's a classic capacitor-draining pop.
* I think the pop is in both channels
* I've never heard anything like this from the amp (or from my other
cheaper amp which I sometimes put the SB2 through). It does seem to be
related to the change in some way - it's like unplugging it all and
re-connecting has kicked it off.

What I'd like is a bit of advice on what to focus on. I guess I really
need to unplug the SB2 and sit in front of it all for hours to see if
it still pops. And listen to see if it's one or both channels. But I'm
not flush for time so some pointers on wht to try first would be much



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