It's been a while since I lasted posted or even had time to read this,
my favorite Community Forum.  But I found something that may be of
interest to the Mac users out there.  If you're like me you've been
waiting for Apple to include FLAC capabilites in iTunes (& QuickTime). 
Apple has eschewed FLAC for it's propriatory ALAC and 10.4 didn't add
FLAC, nor did 10.5.

I just discovered TwistedFLAC.  TwistedFLAC and it's subordinate helper
program, MacFUSE, allow FLAC files to be read as WAV files.

When you install MacFUSE, "MacFUSE implements a mechanism that makes it
possible to implement a fully functional file system in a user-space
program on Mac OS X (10.4 and above)."  yadda yadda... it allows you to
create a virtual disk.  When I say "you" in this instance I mean

Twisted uses this virtual disk as a virtual repository for alias files
- your FLACs now as WAVs - without taking any real disk space.

I just started working with setting this up and I wanted to offer up
the idea as well as get your Mac insight.  Here's what I did:
1) install both programs
2) point TwistedFLAC to my FLAC folder (the highest level folder, not
each subfolder).
3) Pointed iTunes to the virtual disk image Twised made on my desktop
and turned off "Keep iTune Music folder organized" and "Copy files to
iTunes Music folder when adding to library".
4) Dragged the disk image to iTunes.  

20 minutes later iTunes had added all of my FLACs to itself without
taking any more disk space.

AND it plays all of my music as if they are WAV files.  Have You Cake
and Eat it to!

The only problem I am having, and I'm sure it is because of step 3
somehow, is that I have duplicates of nearly every song in iTunes.  But
again, it didn't actually copy anything so no hard drive space was

I like it.  It was easy, free, and I didn't have to convert or
duplicate any files.  Now, why couldn't Apple have done that for us?


Rotel RCD-1070
CIAudio DVA-2 w/ VAC-1 PS
JoLida 102B 
Omega Grand 6's

Zhaolu D2.5 with headphone amp mod.
AKG K501
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