I have some experience with the comparison. I have a Modwright TP that I
run directly into 2 Classe mono amps w/no pre. My speakkers are Aerial

A very good friend has a stock TP that he runs through a Modwright 9.0
pre into a Rogue hybrid ss/tube amp. His speakers are Dali Helicon

At an audio show (before I bought my Modwright), I also heard both the
MW TP and stock in various systems.

Not a perfect controlled comparison given the diffrence in power amps
and speakers.

Nonetheless, both my firend and I agree that the MW TP sounds better
(to us) than the stock w/the tube pre. The moodded TP has a very
musical sound; the stock TP remains a tad clinical even w/the tube
pre.In particular, the highs on the MW are smoother; I find the highs
on the stock somewhat harsh on some material in my friends system. The
MW also throws a much larger soundstage and has more separation/air in
the image. Both are excellent, but I find the differences quite
noticeable and the price of the modded TP is equivalent to the price of
the stock TP w/a tube pre.

Hope that helps.

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