tobyjug;314736 Wrote: 
> Does anyone know if Logitech will be releasing a receiver with up to
> 96khz on the digital output. I have some Linn files that are 24/96 and
> the SB3 is downsampling them to 24/48 which going through the dCS
> Purcell (upsampling to 192) and Delius sound extreamly good. Very
> detailed, warm and very listenable.
Others have already pointed out the various limitations in sample rate
support on the SBR.

But the subtext of the original post is rather more interesting. What's
being said here is that a system with dCS gear (ie. state of the art)
does NOT expose the fact that the SB3's downsampling is intrinsically
flawed. Basically, the SB3 simply throws away every other sample
without performing the necessary filtering first. This will produce
aliasing, and if anything is going to make it audble, a dCS setup
should. And yet the OP says that this sounds great.

It strikes me this implies that the Linn 24/96 files have little or no
content above 24kHz in the first place. So why bother doubling the size
of the files? Linn are not in the habit of specmanship for its own sake.


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