GuyDebord;315909 Wrote: 
> I totally agree with your statement, however, you not trusting and
> criticizing apple when your moniker is their logo and your name is
> iphone... it just doesnt fit...

Well doesn't that depend? I only use an iPhone because it is the
closest thing to caring a laptop without carrying one. I believe it is
still the only cellular phone that can display full real webpages (not
the mobile ones). I know its the only phone I can use with my broker
website/software. And that is the ONLY reason I have it (and it doesn't
hurt that I am a retired AT&T/Cingular employee with a large discount on
service plans/equipment).

As for Avatar, I wanted to use the FLAC logo but a guy that is on the
Forum often was already using it and the Apple kind of goes with the
user name that I picked out of the air because I had just received my
iPhone. It was more a choice of convience then conviction! And isn't
the shading wrong/backwards on the Avatar?

And I know that you have been around the Forum long enough to have read
my rambling on about how I hate how iTunes, QuickTime, and any other
Apple product or software tries to take over everything like it knows
better then the user. What I am saying is that this is not a waffle or
flip-flop, this has been my stand from the start and my user name and
Avatar are just an abstract dig at Apple. I have only bought one song
from the iTunes store because I had to buy the song first so that I
could make it my Ringtone even though I already owned the CD and had
the song ripped (another reason to dislike iTunes and Apple). Somebody
should write a program that will take any ripped song and make it an
iPhone Ringtone and sell it for $15. And lastly, one has to at least
give Apple and Jobs there just dues for not folding under the pressure
of MicroSoft (can't stand MS either but again have to use them
sometimes). My favorites have always been the underdog like Amiga, BE,
and using Red Hat.

And isn't funny that so many free or open source items do so well?

Back on topic now......


'Last.FM' (
Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks,
Vandersteen Quatro, VeraStarr 6.4SE 6-channel Amp, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope 2.35:1  

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Bedroom: SB3, NAD C370, Thiel 2.3
Home Office: SB3, Parasound Vamp v.3, VSM-1 Sigs
Mobile: SB3, Audioengine A5
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