mvalera;316321 Wrote: 
> The cost of the actual DAC chip (or the cost of the aluminum box in
> which it sits) has very little to do with the quality of it's output.
> Much more important is the design in which it sits, and how the signal
> is treated from end to end. Qualified engineers spent a lot of time on
> our DAC design...
> As for everything else Robin summed up what I was thinking pretty
> well.
> MikeI'm trying to understand.

Well, marketing price sums up all that. Does a device sold 70$ has the
same "design" and "signal treatement" as a -say- 1000$ dac ? I bet no.

So, each Device has a sonic signature in accordance to its price. And
the relative price of the SB3 dac is (at most) 100$. If it had enough
"design" and "signal treatment" as the Benchmark, it would probably be
sold the price of the Benchmark dac.

Did I understood correctly ? :)


SB3 - Denon 3808 - Sonus Faber Grand Piano Domus
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