There is nothing so fierce as an audiophile rattled.....

I bought got an SB3 15 months ago, and after 2 months of excitement and
ripping cd's I started to realise that there was something missing in
the output compared to my CD player (Musical Fidelity A3). Of course,
the functionality of the SB3 wins hands down, my partner had a bad
habit of hitting repeat rather than going into the library to fetch a
new CD, and this was getting on my nerves (in that silent way!).
Given that I wanted my Sb3 to sound 'more like' the A3, I went for an
external DAC (as this would also allow me to use headphones as well -
and save the planet by leaving my amp off!).
I was surprised to see that there were a bunch of DACs in the $1,000
range that everyone liked, but it did seem odd to stump u 3x the cost
of the Sb3 for the DAC. Instead I went the Beresford DAC route - simple
enough, if I didn't like it I could send it back and I'd only be out of
pocket the postage, couldn't argue really (and home demo is the only
way to chose gear).
The DAC arrived, and after a week of playing I did a blind test wth my
partner versus the A3. Yes the A3 was still better, but the gap between
the Sb3/DAC was much closer - much more to my liking. So I kept the
11 months fly by, and there was talk around the campfire of the new
Mk6/3 DAC being much improved over the original one, and a much better
headphone stage too, so after a cheeky e-mail I wrangled selling my old
DAC back to Stanley and buying the new Mk6/3. After a week this new DAC
is awesome (dudes!) much much better than the old version, and now it
really is giving my A3 a run for its money. Its everything I would want
for, lots of detail, nice soundstage, good bass response, and a good
headphone stage. Compared to the SB3 on its own that just sounds 'flat'
and lifeless.
Of course I'm no audiophile, I stopped that after 1 to many Hawkwind
concerts in the 80's, I actually listed to my music and appreciate it,
rather than tweak my gear all night :-) so the combination of the Sb3
and Beresford DAC works brilliantly.
I know that I could spend 10x what I have spent on my gear to get
'ultimate sound' but then I'd need to spend 100x to get 'ultimate ears'
as mine have aged somewhat. Like most people, life is a compromise, my
gear has to work for DVD's, BluRay, TV, Radio etc, and not take a PhD
to switch on.
Unfortunately, I stumbled upon SACD (just as the format died!) and now
I'm lusting after streaming SACD rather than having to chnage discs,
but SACD is 'Sunday best' like my vinyl, taking only 10% of the
listening time.

I seem to have rambled ...



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