Anne;321043 Wrote: 
> Well, just to get serious again, my computer is not in the same room as
> my stereo. I stream wireless to the SB3 via my router.
> We can make a test where music is streamed via internet to another user
> in another country, then we will see if its different.....
Ah but what about the power supply on the router? All that nasty  crap
on the mains. UUURRRRGHHHH!!!!!!! Get it away from me. Nasty crap
begone!!! Run, it's too late for me, save yourselves!

Sorry, you said to get serious again. I guess it's all about
price/convenience. If you can get a cheap mains filter and replace your
switching supply with a cheap linear regulated one, then fine. It might
be worth it for the comfort factor. That's what I've done. But I think
to spend more is diverting funds from more important areas. Like all
things in life you need to find a practical balance and then stop


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system
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