In the world of high-end audio, being "unique" and "special" is what it
takes to sell a product or to sell your opinions.  The author of the
article has found his "uniqueness" by making claims counter to all
logic and to all other wanna-be audiophile gurus that a lossy codec
actually improves sound.  That's called marketing.  He has found his
"thing" and he'll stick to it, hoping it will propel him to the top of
the audiophile dung heap.

The author of LAME even tells him how to test his "proven" idea-
double-blind, but we all know how most audiophiles feel about that

It's no wonder a rag called "Positive Feedback" publishes screwy stuff.
They're stuck in a loop and feeding back their own nonsense.  Expect
wild oscillations and lots of annoying noise!

I want my 7 minutes back that I wasted reading that dumb article.


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