firedog;332152 Wrote: 
> Like all consumer components, the units are produced to hit a price
> point, and compromises are made. So I don't buy your point at all. In
> fact, the PS would be an obvious place to compromise, b/c it is not a
> "marketable" type of component and one consumers don't pay attention
> to.
Not following what I am trying to get across with the SB3 and Duet, not
that it can’t be done with a lot of effort and modification, but that it
can’t be done “Just” by adding a linear power supply. Yes the quickest
way to improve an audio device is to put more money into the internal
power supply parts. Which can't be easily done with a Duet or SB3! The
issue is that one is not replacing the "different" voltage sources that
need to be addressed. We all know the Duet and SB were built to a price
point. Which is one reason they have the PS they do. It is also the
reason that replacing them will have little to no effect on what one
hears at their speakers!

The main issue, again, is that the OEM PS feeds other switchers inside
the unit itself. So putting a nice linear PS feeding the same 5VDC that
the OEM PS does, is not that much of a change. Each required DC voltage
inside the unit should be feed with its own regulated linear supply
when trying to make enough improvement for one to "hear" results. The
main exception to this is if one hears PS noise from the wall wart,
then one has to decide if several hundred dollars is worth it to be rid
of the PS noise or if it is easier to move system components around to
solve the issue. And again if a linear power supply were really going
to have a huge overall impact on the unit, Slim Devices would probably
have included one by raising the price point slightly and using the
economy of scale to produce one at an acceptable price. Would it be a
pretty one off like the Channel Islands, no but it would get the job
done at a price point. The main reason they probably didn't even think
about this is because there are switchers inside the units.

I have built a multiple voltage supply for an SB3 as well as an all
battery multiple voltage supply for the same unit. The only noticeable
item that stood out after all that effort was that on "some" music the
bass had a slightly perceived increased depth and tightness. The
majority of the music showed no benefit. Putting a linear power supply
on the SB3 doesn't cause the DAC to suddenly open the sound stage,
increase the depth, add air to the highs, or improve the midrange for
that matter. The internals are fairly well matched to the OEM power
that is available to them.

If I had to render a personal opinion as to what might be the reason
for the perceived change, I would put my money on the total available
current these two power supplies made available to the SB3 (basically
unlimited as far as the SB3 is concerned). And again this was with all
the effort to disable/bypass the internal switchers/regulators. The OEM
power supply is not all that lacking considering it is used to feed
internal switchers. If somebody just has to upgrade their SB3 or Duet
power supply, I recommend that one buy another switcher of the correct
DC output voltage that has a minimum of 3 amps of available current
that sell for around $30.
firedog;332152 Wrote: 
> I'm really only interested in the Slim Devices units as digital
> transporters for computer audio. So really my question is, is the
> digital output of the SB3/Duet the same quality as the TP? If not, will
> mods such as PS mod make a difference?
> Thanks for your time and attention.

As a digital transport, I still believe that the Transporter has the
edge even if somebody believes that "Digital is Digital". It is the
quality of how the data information is handled and processed before
being passed to the digital outs. There is also the fact that the
Transporter handles additional digital formats over the Duet and SB3.
And again, replacing the wall wart with a linear power supply "IS NOT"
going to make a Duet or SB3 "equal" a Transporter even as a digital
transport only!


'Last.FM' (
Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks,
Vandersteen Quatro, VeraStarr 6.4SE 6-channel Amp, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope 2.35:1  

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Bedroom: SB3, NAD C370, Thiel 2.3
Home Office: SB3, Parasound Vamp v.3, VSM-1 Sigs
Mobile: SB3, Audioengine A5
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