Story so far:

I have a linear psu feeding a SB via coax to an AVR200 that I use as a
dac and pre, feeding a Maia, into a couple of Ditton floor standers.
Quite a basic system to some I’ve heard but I actually prefer it to
some far more expensive kit I’ve heard, eg a Naim set up was
wonderfully open but far too top endy for me, an FMJ Arcam system gave
a wonderful sound stage but far too smooth and soft for me, hence the
playing with tweeks to see if my system can be opened up and soundstage
improved, and to my pleasure it is working  

I have no iec socket on the SB psu as I hard wired the cable straight
in, so can’t try the VDP3 on that, as of yet anyway.

A while back tried a solid silver mains cable that came highly
recommended, from its supplier, and to my ears it did fab things,
opened things right up and things sounded much better, I had no idea a
mains cable could have such an effect, no need to look further I
thought. (I found it to have far more effect plugged into the AVR than
the Maia, so that is where it stays).

Then came along and offer to try a solid core copper cable with some
sort of vibration control, via a friend’s friend’s colleague, so
history is a bit of an unknown, it looks new…to my amazement the vocals
were so much clearer, the silver cable made things smooth, the copper
seemed to give a bit more bite and clarity improved. With some tracks
using the Cu cable on the AVR, you could quite easily picture the
singer’s lips with the sound coming directly from the singers mouth
just a few feet in front of me– Cool Stuff!

The silver one went to live in the cupboard after two days, and I
bought the Cu one.

Four weeks later my VDP3 turned up, thinking a cable ½ the price of the
silver one ain’t going to sound so good.

I plugged it in the AVR which is the position in which a power cable
seems to have most effect in my system. The sound changed totally, the
bite had gone and the sound was small and recessed, not at all in the
room, the only plus was that there was more detail. 

Clearly, I preferred my Cu power cable, with bite and clarity and the
in the room feel, however, I was missing the detail I had heard in the
VDP3, put it back for its burn in period which ain’t short. It worked
out quite well, for about a month only the tv was watched, so it burnt
in without me having to listen to the, not so good, music

I then had two days working at home so had music playing all day
reasonably loud and I was quite surprised I was comfortable listening,

A couple of weeks on:

Okay, I’m listening to the VDP3 at the moment, it should have had
plenty of time to burn in by now, soundstage is nice, instruments seem
to have their own locations in 3D space, bass controlled and deep,
vocals forward and center, PRaT are rather agreeable. Very pleasant,
only thing, I like the, forward in the room sound, and the sound stage
could be set slightly more forward towards me to get the total
surrounded immersion in music I like, and have not achieved with my set
up as of yet…... but one is getting closer 

Switch back to the old solid core Cu cable:

Ah, noticeable loss in clarity and detail 
Sound stage shrunk
Pace so so much better 
Bass actually deeper but not so controlled…
Vocals so much more in the room feel 
Lack of detail is starting to grate 

Back to the VDP3
Much smoother on the ears.
Old solid core to the cupboard.

To think I was really impressed with the initial solid silver one and
then impressed more with the solid Cu core one and now even more with
the VDP3. Just shows me I’m at the beginning of what could be a long
long investigation and listening adventure, and that things you don’t
think will affect the music, can, in varying ways. 

Cool stuff!

Any one know if the other VD power cables bring the soundstage more
towards ones listing position? 

One happy Bunny 
(I have not pulled it apart though ;) )

Deaf Cat
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