@Nonreality, that's it, at least you were wiser from the start. My
wishful thinking got to me, but at least as honestguv stated I did
learn my lesson.

@haunyack, busted. Gotta make an app that removes gullibility as well.
Can't wait to upload myself to the net and do some tweaking ;)

@honestguv, I just said there should be some sort of oversight, be it a
law or public ridicule is fine by me. There is not enough media coverage
about this phenomena and when audiophiles are presented they always pick
deranged people with too much money, same as what you describe.

Similar thing is with (food) supplements, you can charge as much as you
want and if you could claim whatever you want people would get scammed
to the bone. It would be easy to imagine the effects, same as I see
people close to me take supplements (fish oil and other crap) which is
just another form of scams. It could help in theory but you sure would
need a lot of it to notice for real without the placebo.
So there is a law that you cannot claim unconfirmed properties of the
supplement or a drug which requires blind testing and what not; I am
not fully informed but I know you cannot lie in your drug description.
They skew the description to pass the requirements but that is another

Now I just want the same for electronics. Only problem is that we are
not yet morally evolved enough and it seems silly to some of us.
Yes I know that you cannot easily convert an audiophile to be a realist
but that doesn't mean it is ok to let it be. Will it ever change if we
don't revolt?
While you are describing things as they are I don't see how that will
convince me to let it go.

Maybe you never got the rush I get occasionally when I hit the nail
with the music choice while in the certain mood. You know those crazy
music composers with funny hair and twitching in enjoyment...well
suffice to say they don't look crazy to me.
Technofilia kicks in because that is the only thing you can do to
enhance the experience except talking drugs but that is a bad choice on
the long run.
What I didn't know is that the scam artists are waiting behind the
optimum price point. Optimum price point being the amount for the
mainstream equipment that sounds as good as possible with current

It is not just classical music that requires a good sound system, your
point that audiophiles are mainly stupid and listen to pop music is
strike 2 in my book.
You do know that the word audiophile is not just to be used for the
idiots? Audiophile is a person who is especially interested in
high-fidelity sound reproduction (taken from the dictionary).
It doesn't say a magic believer, that is your opinion by observing few
of us that fallen to the tricks.

Try to search for videophile HDMI cables. Now they even started with
the USB cables, it sells and will continue to grow. There is no
audiophiles and rest of the world, it is just down to exploiting our
expectations as consumers.

Pioneer started to shift toward the enthusiast range, expensive plasmas
and receivers...
Logitech bought Slimdevices and Harmony...
Slimdevices by some miracle resisted the call and went down the more
realistic approach raising usability instead of price which is really
good and different...I guess that is why they are such success.

But to focus my point; it is not to ban expensive equipment, it's just
there should be some protocol to keep things under control so that
there is no $10k cables on the market, no Teleportation tweaks and
completely false advertisement because majority of people do experience
It goes hand in hand with music enjoyment, could be tied to

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