First let me say that I categorically do NOT believe that wired sounds
any different from wireless in an SB2 or SB3.

However, I should point out my own experience in re-housing an SB2 in a
chassis that contains my DIY pre-amp.  Being in the same chassis, the
SB2 circuit boards and the op amps in my pre-amp ended up somewhat
closer together than would normally be the case for discretely housed
units.  In this configuration I'm afraid I definitely COULD hear the
impact of the wireless connection.  The music sounded the same,
obviously, but during very quiet periods (eg the gaps between tracks) I
could distinctly hear a very quiet fizzing static sound corresponding to
the SB2 buffer refilling over the wifi link.

I was able to reduce this noise to inaudible levels by moving the SB2
circuit board no more than a foot or so from the op amps.

When I connected via cable (from a nearby homeplug), the wifi card was
unpowered, and the static noise was totally absent.

Given this experience, I would not consider it completely out of the
question that a wireless SB3 placed directly next to the op amp section
in a separate pre-amp could induce some static noise.

I hesitated to make this post, as it might give ammunition to a point
of view I don't agree with.  My own DIY configuration was definitely
not a normal setup, and it should perhaps serve more as a warning to
DIY builders than to users of the conventional off-the-shelf units.

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