I had the same issue until I discovered AAC+ streams. I find that even
64kbps AAC+ streams sound way better than 128kbps MP3 streams.

Unfortunately, AAC+ is not natively supported on SC and are not
available on the SqueezeNetwork.  However using the mplayer plugin you
can easily get SC to play these streams.  For  installation details see
the wiki:


As I have mentioned before on these forums, my favorite station is
Radio Swiss Classic, a 64kbps AACPlus stream.  No ads, good sound
quality and great programming.  I don't even bother with an FM tuner
these days.

There is a list of 207 AACPlus stations on www.tuner2.com, with all
kinds of genres, with the AAC+ bitrate for each station listed.



Transporter via XLR->Bryston BP26DA->Bryston 4B SST->Wilson Watt Puppy
Transporter via XLR->Headroom Max Balanced Headphone Amp->Balanced
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