Phil Leigh;354645 Wrote: 
> Clive - I'm pretty sure I've never heard Kayak, but for some reason I've
> heard OF them...
> I'll check out this Nostrodamus album - sounds like the sort of stuff I
> like!
Kayak can be quite diverse. If you forced me to pigeonhole them, I'd
say they sound a bit like a cross between Supertramp and Abba, with
some Camel tendencies thrown in. Is that confusing enough? :-) (In fact
Kayak's keyboard player was in Camel for a while - I know he's on
Stationary Traveller, maybe some others, too).

The particular album I mentioned is a double CD called "Nostradamus -
The Fate of Man". It's structured very much like a musical, and is
quite unlike most of their other stuff. I'm not normally a fan of
musicals, but this one is great. Be warned that it may take a few
listens to appreciate fully (like most great albums, it has hidden


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